Inattention: Difficulty sustaining attention on tasks or activities, especially those that are not immediately interesting or rewarding.
Disorganization: Struggling to manage time, tasks, or personal items, leading to missed deadlines or losing things frequently.
Forgetfulness: Frequently forgetting daily tasks, appointments, or where things were placed.
Impulsivity: Acting without thinking, which can manifest as interrupting others, making quick decisions without considering the consequences, or having difficulty waiting one's turn.
Hyperactivity: Feeling the need to be constantly moving, such as fidgeting, tapping, or being unable to sit still.
Difficulty focusing: Trouble maintaining focus on conversations, reading, or completing tasks, especially when they are repetitive or boring.
Poor time management: Consistently underestimating how long tasks will take or procrastinating, which leads to frequent lateness or rushing to meet deadlines.